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Oil & Gas Exploration

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Oil & Gas Exploration

GMP is a key supplier to New Zealand’s oil industry. 
The services we offer include:

Waste cleanup and disposal

  • Vacuum truck and trailer
  • Tank cleaning
  • Mud clearing


  • Tankers available for water and liquids of all kinds
  • Heavy lifting
  • Two hiab trucks lifting five and 10 tons respectively

Hirage of equipment

  • Tank hire 20,000 to 80,000 litre tanks
  • Can carry heated and non heated bitumen
  • Condensate
  • Drilling mud, water and other liquids

Hirage of portable buildings

  • Single loos with flush
  • Doubles and showers, hot and cold water
  • Fully equipped kitchens with seating for diners
    Three and four bedroom units
  • Smoko rooms and office blocks

GMP recognises the oil industry requires minimum delays during shut down and turnarounds, on rig and other sites.

Hire Trucks, Trailers, Accommodation, Storage, Compressors, Mudtanks, Tanks, Pumps, Portaloos, Generators, WaterBlasters